A Little Lifetime Foundation (formerly Isands) is a voluntary organisation set up to support bereaved parents whose babies died before or at birth (stillbirth) or some time after birth. Its aim is to provide information, services and support to parents, family members and professionals.

Useful Links
Cambodia4kids.org Beth Kanter - Creative Commons Attribution (Flickr)
National organisations providing services, support and information to children, young people and families in Ireland.
Website: http://www.alittlelifetime.ie
ADHD Irelands mission is to make life better for people affected by ADHD. It is dedicated to providing up to date information, resources and networking opportunities to individuals with ADHD, parents of children with ADHD and the professionals who serve them.
Website: http://www.adhadireland.ie
More affordable childcare started in September 2017. If you are a parent with a child in registered childcare and would like to find out more, see www.affordablechildcare.ie or contact Wexford County Childcare Committee.
Website: http://www.affordablechildcare.ie
The Better Start Access and Inclusion Model (AIM) is a model of supports designed to ensure that children with disabilities can access the Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) programme in mainstream pre-school settings.
Website: http://www.preschoolaccess.ie
Fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others recover from alcoholism.
Website: http://www.alcoholicsanonymous.ie
Supporting parents after bereavement.
Website: http://www.anamcara.ie
AsIAm aims to provide a one-stop-shop for the Autism community in Ireland.
Website: http://www.asiam.ie
Think About Your Drinking
Drinks Calculator
Alcohol and Your Health
Website: http://www.askaboutalcohol.ie
Website for young people made by young people with experience of Tusla services.
Website: http://www.changingfutures.ie
Information about Children and Young People's Services Committees around Ireland. Includes facts and figures and information on current initiatives.
Website: http://www.cypsc.ie
Chimes Children and Family Service strive to support Deaf / Hard of Hearing Children and their families in meeting their individual goals through a holistic model of care.
Website: https://www.chime.ie/
Cuidiú is a parent-to-parent support charity run by volunteer parents. Cuidiú's motto is education and support for parenthood.
Aim : To provide information to parents which allows them to make informed choices about pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding and to provide a supportive background to empower parents to act upon their decisions.
Website: http://www.cuidiu-ict.ie
Information about Down Syndrome, resources available, events and contact details.
Website: http://www.downsyndrome.ie
Epilepsy Ireland (formerly Brainwave) is the national organisation supporting and representing people with epilepsy and their families.
Website: http://www.epilepsy.ie
Family Carers Ireland is a charity that offers a range of supports and services to family carers through a network of Support Centres nationwide and advocate on behalf of family carers at local, regional and national level.
Website: http://www.familycarers.ie
Family fun days out, things to do, activities and fun ideas in Ireland.
Website: http://www.fundays.ie
A service to help couples who have decided to separate / divorce or who have already separated, to negotiated their own terms of agreement.
Website: http://www.welfare.ie/
FDYS works with young people in Co. Wexford to support them to realise their potential.
Website: http://www.fdys.ie
Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Association of Ireland
Website: http://www.feileacain.ie
Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Ireland was set up by a group of carers in Ireland who have had contact with children with FASD. The website provides links and free downloadable booklets that you might find useful in daily living with persons affected by FASD.
Website: http://www.fasd.ie